All about Civil Engineering

All about Civil Engineering...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Go Precast

Engineers are to be more creative, innovative, and should be able to think out of the box. Vast Paradigm Shift is urgently required in order to accommodate for so called “Fast Track project” in construction industry in Malaysia. Conventional methods of construction need to change. Cast in situ method which required longer time, more manpower and large amount of material wastage need to be re-examine. Only unwise engineer will design for cast in situ for structure above busy expressway at Station 3. If I’m the client, the designer will be penalize for providing me “non-construct-able” design. Common laa… please visit the site and see how congested are the area, good engineer is not only be able to produce safe design but workable design. Go Pre-cast and all the problems resolve...Insyaallah. 


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