All about Civil Engineering

All about Civil Engineering...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

CEM 571 Construction Technology

Special Lecture for subject CEM 571 Construction Technology.
UiTM Pulau Pinang.



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Time Chainage Diagram

Time Chainage Diagram is only used in Linear Construction Project such as Highway, Railway, Drainage ect. NOT for building or other civil engineering project.
Example of the Time Chainage Diagram which was created using MS Excel is as follow:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cost for 2 Overhead Signage Gantry

Cost for 2 Overhead Signage Gantry at P79 and P87 is 165k...same price with 5 years old re-condition Estima. Hmmm...

Blast Wall at Stn 4

8 meters height Blast Wall is designed at Station 4. What is the function of this BLAST WALL?


Saturday, September 29, 2012

How to build a house using IBS system?

Build a house using IBS system, It's fast, clean, cheap, good quality and the most important thing is environmental friendly. But how to build a house using IBS system? This video will explain everyting, enjoy viewing...


Friday, September 28, 2012

SBG casting yard 4

SBG casting yard 4


SBG casting yard 3

SBG casting yard 3


SBG casting yard 2

SBG casting yard video 2


SBG Casting Yard 1

SBG casting yard


Construction of New Jamrat

Construction of new Jamrat


Pile Geotechnical Bearing Calculations

Pile geotechnical bearing calculation is based on modified meyerhof's formula.


3D Drawing

3-Dimensional drawing showing the SBG span crossing Highway.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Installation of Bridge Pot Bearing

Photos shown installation of bridge pot bearing.


Lumrah Alam...




Wednesday, September 26, 2012

SBG Launching Using Segment Erector

SBG Launching Using Segment Erector. This method will be used to launch the SBG at 65m and 100m special crossing span (ie Balance Cantilever method). MC are using Low Segment Erector due to high recstriction due to overhead HT cable.


Newly Built Chinese Bridge Collapse

Less than a year after it was opened, one of the longest bridge in Northern China collapsed leaving 3 people dead...a lesson learn to all parties involved in the construction industry.




Plate Bearing

The Plate Bearing are devided into 2 type which is Top Plate Bearing & Bottom Plate Bearing.
Top Plate Bearing will be installed at the SBG while Bottom Plate Bearing will be installed at the Pier Head. Following are Hercules Plate Bearing photos:

Top Plate Bearing - Cylinder Type (to be slot in and cast inside the SBG)
Top Plate Bearing - Rectangular Type (to be slot in and cast inside the SBG)


Bearing Design By Hercules Engineering
Bearing Top Plate Sockets
Bearing design by Hercules Engineering were previously reviewed by DDC with comments that large and closely spaced bearing top sockets(less than 20mm gap) was not acceptable, as the sockets will clash with the SBG segment reinforcement T20. One sample was brought in to the meeting table for deliberation.

Socket gaps > 20mm but end plate gaps less than 20mm

Gap between sockets less than 20mm

Space Limitation At Segment Downstand
Hercules Engineering informed due to large bearing forces on curved spans, along with up-lift forces, space constraint on the segment down-stands limits the spacing of the bearing sockets.
Hercules Engineering informed that higher grade of steel was used in the bearing design i.e. upgrade from Grade 43A to Grade 53. 
Bearing Forces at Curved Spans(R>215 )
25 cases in Package A, all at curved spans (both ST and DT) were identified with large bearing forces and up-lift forces, remained facing difficulty to have sockets spaces wide enough to avoid clash with the segment reinforcement.
Hercules Engineering to look into smaller socket size. Other option is to add another row of socket, or enlarge the bearing plate in one direction.
Hercules Engineering to revert back to DDC by next week Tuesday 02/Oct/2012.
Installation of Bearings At The Site
Due to rebar congestion at the pier head and at the RC up-stand plinths, Launching Contractor informed it was extremely difficult to launch the span in position precisely

Cutting Reinforcement at RC Plinths
The option of cutting some of the T20 reinforcement was discussed. DDC was not in fovour of cutting the re-bar. The bars are required to take care of the up-lift forces.
Hercules/MC/LC to explore the possibility to provide steel pins locked up with the bottom plate sockets to replace rebar in cases where the re-bars are inevitably forced to be cut-off.
DDC informed that cutting of the re-bars shall be treated as case by case, particular at areas where there are no up-lift forces.
Option To Widen Pier Head
MC was asked to study the possibility to widen the pier head from current 2.0m wide. A larger pier head will be able to accommodate a bigger bottom bearing plate.
LC/MC informed a larger pier head may be constraint by the current LG pier bracket design. The stressing bars used to secure the LG pier brackets may be too close to the surface of the pier head (25mm+/-). BBR to check and inform Minco.
Special Crossings – Bearing Movement
The construction drawing indicated the movement for the free bearing is 8mm. Hercules Engineering requested DDC to reduce the movement from 8mm to 5mm.
DDC will check and revert back to Hercules Engineering.



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Singapore subway breakdown strands thousands | Asia News – Politics, Media, Education | Asian Correspondent

Singapore subway breakdown strands thousands | Asia News – Politics, Media, Education | Asian Correspondent

Rail System

Rail system in Malaysia - LRT, MRT, ERL, KTM & Monorel.
                                                  Toward the Wash Plant

Track Switch-Over

Launching Gantry - Animation

Launching Gantry is used to lauch the SBG for 18m, 21m, 24m, 27m, 33m and 36m span.


Segment Erector - Animation

This animation is for Low Type Segment Erector (SE) or some people called it Segment Lifter. This SE will be use in launching the SBG for 65m and 100m special crossing span. Balance Cantilever method will be use for lauching the SBG. Low type SE mean the SBG only can be lifted from the respective span, NOT from the apposite span. For High type SE, the SBG is be able to launch from either respective and opposite span...Its more flexsible but required higher space. High type SE is NOT suitable for high restricted area (due to HT overhead power cable ect)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Go Precast

Engineers are to be more creative, innovative, and should be able to think out of the box. Vast Paradigm Shift is urgently required in order to accommodate for so called “Fast Track project” in construction industry in Malaysia. Conventional methods of construction need to change. Cast in situ method which required longer time, more manpower and large amount of material wastage need to be re-examine. Only unwise engineer will design for cast in situ for structure above busy expressway at Station 3. If I’m the client, the designer will be penalize for providing me “non-construct-able” design. Common laa… please visit the site and see how congested are the area, good engineer is not only be able to produce safe design but workable design. Go Pre-cast and all the problems resolve...Insyaallah. 


Friday, September 7, 2012

Closed View of the Rail Track Mock-Up

Closed view of the Track Slab & Rail Track showing :

1) Shear Dowel block-out
2) SBG lifting hole
3) Track slab lifting hole
4) Grouting inlet hole
5) Grouting weep hole
6) Track slab hole


Track Slab Grouting Mock-up

The System "Design and Build" Contractor has carry out a Mock-up for Track Slab Grouting on 10th August 2012 at the existing Depot. LanKo 702 Non Shrink Grout was used for that purposed. The cement Grout was pumped using pressure grout machine into the designed hole on top of the track slab. Maximum depth of the grouting thickness is 40mm. If the thickness required more than 40mm, reforcement is required to strengthern the structure. Steel plate was used as a formwork during the grouting process. Its seem to be work! No Leaking or Cement Bleeding occur.